Monday, June 1, 2009

Kylie's team had their 1st away tournament @ PYL. She had an awesome tournament defensively at 2nd base! When drove all around Placentia (i'm probably spelling that wrong) looking for things that reminded Mark of Living there when he was in 1st grade. We found the apartments he lived in and visited the his elementary school. He pointed out to the kids the corner that he and Mike stood at every morning waiting for the bus. It was fun going down memory lane.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I had to laugh when I read that Mark was pointing out to the girls allthe places from his childhood, because my Dad used to do that every time we went to Brea and we all rolled our eyes, and wished he'd stop. I guess when you get on the other side it is sort of fun. It sound like you guys had a fun trip and I hope the tournament went well.